About Me

I believe that strong relationships that are satisfying take care and attunement.

I believe…

  • we are all in a constant relationship with everyone and everything.
  • we all want all of these relationships to be healthy and fulfilling
    – to grow and to flourish.
  • a change or shift in one relationship will impact ALL other relationships.
  • we all have the power and everything we require to change and heal our relationships, beginning, often, with the one we have with ourselves.

The process begins with developing awareness and understanding of relationship dynamics and how they can shift and change. This is where I come in: as a purveyor of relationships, a collaborator, a resource, and a relationship navigator.

Amy Brassert - RLT therapist

Together we will discover and chart your unique course




I remember as a kid, when asked “what do you want to do?” I would reply, “I want to help people”. I began my “helping career” as a candy striper in high school. I remember wheeling patients to surgery (not something I’d be allowed to do these days!) and talking with them in the elevator. I was pretty shy but found it “easy” to talk to these people. And over the years I have learned that help comes in many forms. That sometimes when we think we are helping we are not, that sometimes when we feel helpless we are not, and that sometimes, when we think we have “done nothing”, we have, on the contrary, helped beyond measure.

The power of a kind word or gesture still overwhelms me.

I am an explorer, an adventurer, a risk-taker, a list-maker, an organizer, an hopeful creator, a skier, a sometimes runner, a photographer and artist, an appreciator of nature and an observer of relationships.

I thought I might describe myself as a “Relationship Re-combobulator”. Just like the place in the airport where you go after security to re-assemble yourself after being discombobulated by the process, my role is to help people “re-assemble” their relationships in new, creative and innovative ways that support health and growth.

After graduating from college, in 1985 with a major in Psychology, I went to work “in the field” for two years before deciding to go back to earn my MSW. In 1989 I completed a Masters in Social Work at Simmons School of Social Work in Boston. Since then I have moved from Boston to Seattle to Toronto to Vancouver Island. I have attended numerous training’s along the way and I earned a Certificate in Project Management from the University of Washington Extension Program. Before leaving Seattle I began exploring the world of coaching through Mentor Coach a yearlong program designed with mental health therapists in mind. After leaving Seattle in 2004 I wanted to look closely at my relationship with my work and business. I completed further training as a coach with the Coaches Training Institute and The Center for Right Relationship along with a ten-month Leadership Program also with the Coaches Training Institute. All of this experience has led me to two different yet connected paths: therapy, relationship coaching. 

I believe that change happens in relationship to others. And I hope we’ll cross paths, whether for a long or short while, no matter where you are on your relationship path. 

~ Amy Greenleaf Brassert

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou


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“I am not afraid of storms,
for I am learning how to sail my ship.”
- Louisa May Alcott
I Choose Authenticity
Citizen Therapists